About Us
Alianza America operates in a multicultural environment with talent experienced in aspects of customer service, marketing, operations, logistics, and a clear understanding of the complexities that exist with cultural differences.
International marketing and relations requires an understanding of the needs of the marketplace, integrated with innovation and attention to quality in the delivery to the public.

Since 1996, extensive interviews throughout the Caribbean and Latin American region have identified opportunities and interests or needs of the market, as well as social and environmental issues. In 1996, after the Symposium for the Western Hemisphere in Miami, further travel and study ensued of the cultures, business and the region in general. After substantial assessment of the Latin market, having over 360 million people, it formed a vision of opportunities for the Latin and the U.S. consumer alike.
A strength of Alianza America is its proprietary natural talent as a strong visionary, seeking multi-benefit, ambition, responding to market demand.
Our approach to marketing works expressly to develop a loyal following of the people in the desired market. Its philosophy is based on the importance of integrity, reliability and ethical business practices. The commitment to responsibility is reflected in various social assistance projects in child education, welfare and trafficking awareness.
We strive for excellence based on our innovative approach and dedication. We are specifically attentive to cultural differences and trends, as we integrate technology with traditional business practices. In the Latin and U.S. Latino market, one of the most dynamic and fast growing markets, we see great potential.
Alianza America has supported many worthy causes including- donating emergency supplies to the August 2007 earthquake victims in Peru, and other contributions to support the welfare of children living in poverty in the Latin and Caribbean region. Over the past several years, we have provided assistance to help hundreds of poor children and orphans in Peru, and continue to do so. We also have been working to inform children of the threat of child trafficking, through an informational flyer we produced in Spanish for a mission in the Dominican Republic. At present, we organize first aid classes, health check-ups and school supplies to the children of rural communities. To join us in this effort, kindly submit a note or your comments via the Contact link.

“To use the unique skills of vision and innovation in productions, relations and marketing across cultural lines”

Establish long term relations, utilizing the extreme innovation and visionary skills, working in a multi-cultural marketplace to:
1. develop high quality products for the marketplace, proprietary or in alliance
2. connect with the consumer that makes up the target market, to develop a loyal following,
3. grow as a synergy,
4. provide a social benefit